Invest in Tunisia
Thanks to a highly performing industrial fabric, comprising more than 3,700 foreign companies, Tunisia succeeded in carving out an enviable niche in the MENA region and on the African continent.
Indeed, the Tunisian economy is ranked among the most competitive and is positioned in the first ranks on the African and Arab scales. Tunisia is ranked first:
Tunisia is also one of the first industrial exporters to the European Union from the southern shore of the Mediterranean. It is likewise the first country in the southern Mediterranean to join the free trade area with the EU, as of January 2008.
All this is undoubtedly the result of a successful economic diversification and a wide opening to the outside world. Moreover, the remarkable development of Tunisian industry, and in particular the modernisation of company equipment, their resources and their management methods, are all elements contributing to the attractiveness of Tunisia as a best-cost site.